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How to Get Rid Of Spiders in Your Bedroom

How to Get Rid Of Spiders in Your Bedroom

Disclaimer: To ensure the accuracy of this article, the author(s) spent considerable time interviewing and researching experts. The information contained herein is not intended to be taken as professional advice from an exterminator.

When you are about to go to sleep, spiders may be the last thing on your mind. The eight-legged creepy crawlies that terrify or disgust us all.

Despite the fact that they are not wanted, they often find their way into our homes and bedrooms. There are many ways to eliminate them. We should caution you, however, that some methods require more courage than others.

How to Get Rid Of Spiders in Your Bedroom
How to Get Rid Of Spiders in Your Bedroom

Are Spiders Dangerous?

You can determine whether a spider is a threat to you or your family by identifying the species. You can easily find all spider species and photos on the internet with a descriptive Google search.

The following spiders are commonly found in Australia.

  • Black Widow
  • Brown Recluse
  • White Tail Spider
  • Huntsman Spider

The four spiders are known for sneaking into homes without being invited, wrapping themselves in towels, climbing in shoes, nesting inside clothing drawers, or hiding under bedding.

Some spiders can be dangerous and cause serious illness to people who are bitten. However, most spiders do not pose any threat.

When is spider season?

The spider season is short and you can find them throughout the year, but there is a time of year when they are more abundant. The peak of the spider season is in autumn because that’s when they breed.

The majority of spider species mate during the fall, which increases spider sacs. When a spider lays eggs, it can contain between 100 to 300 eggs, which is equal to 100 to 300 new Spiders! You may find yourself with hundreds of spiders in your home if you’re unlucky to have a pair of spiders mate and lay their eggs.

How do you get rid of spiders that are active in your room?

We’ll start by talking about how to eliminate any spiders currently in your bedroom. The following tips will help you get rid of live spiders in your bedroom so that you can sleep peacefully at night.

1) Catch-and-Release

You can remove spiders from your bedroom safely and humanely by using a jar with a piece of thin paper. This method is best used if the spiders are on a flat wall or other hard surface.

Then, slide the piece of paper in between the surface of the jar and the mouth. You can then safely remove the spider without killing it from your bedroom.

A bug catcher is another way to catch and release spiders. These catches allow you to grab the spider without hurting it. You can then release it outside, where it belongs.

House Spider
House Spider

2) Vacuum Cleaner

Are you looking for a way to ensure that the spider does not escape? You may want to use a vacuum cleaner. You can use the vacuum hose to suck this creature up from a distance. This method has the added benefit that the spider is likely to die due to the suction. If not, it will die in the vacuum bag.

3) Vinegar Mixture

You can kill spiders almost instantly by mixing equal parts vinegar and water. Even a weak acid like vinegar can burn off the exoskeleton of a spider.

Spray the mixture on the spider vigorously until it curls and dies. You can then use a vacuum or tissue to remove the remaining spider.

4) Squish It

You can squish the spider if you’re brave enough, or if you don’t want it to disappear as you grab the tools to use the other methods. You can use anything lying around the room, such as shoes, books, tissues or even books.

You will always be stronger than the spider and be able to apply enough force to squash it. Be careful to not miss the spider if it is dangerous. It may react with aggression, which is why you are bitten.

Avoid the squishing technique if you have an uninvited visitor who spends time in your bed. It will create a huge mess that you’ll have to clean, and nobody wants to sleep with spider guts. 

How to prevent future spiders from arriving

We have some solutions if you don’t currently have a spider in your bedroom but want to avoid them.

The number of spiders in your room and bed will be reduced by using these passive and proactive methods. You won’t need to capture or kill as many spiders.

Use these tips to keep spiders away from your resting place.

1) Vacuum your entire room: This will remove any cobwebs or spiderwebs in corners of your room, behind furniture and so on. This will help to destroy their habitats, causing them to move to other areas.

2) Keep Your Bedroom Decluttered: Because spiders like dark places to hide, the more clutter in your bedroom, the more they will be able to do so.

3) Avoid eating in bed. This is the worst thing you can do to avoid spiders. Food crumbs attract bugs and give spiders the perfect source of food to use your bed for their hotel.

4) If you choose to use this method, be sure to pay attention to the windows, doors, and any cracks in the wall where spiders can enter. You will need to be aware of any windows, doors and cracks on the walls where spiders can enter. According to this study, contrary to what you may have read on the internet, the lemon scent is not as effective at repelling spiders.

5) Chestnut: It is known that the naturally occurring oils found in chestnuts repel spiders as well as other pests such as ants, mosquitoes and flies. This claim is supported by only one study, but chestnuts have been used as a pest control method for centuries.

6) Baking Soda. Another household item, baking soda is a natural spider deterrent. Baking soda has abrasive properties, which spiders don’t like. Sprinkle baking soda into corners and crevices in your home where spiders are visible or where they may enter.

7) Get a cat. If you’re looking for a solution that will last, a pet cat could be the answer. Some cats eat spiders, while others kill them. Some cats treat spiders like toys and will kill them while “playing”.

8) Turn outside lights on By turning on the porch or entranceway light at night, we attract bugs and flies. Spiders will be attracted by these insects and may follow them. Changing the source of food may be the answer.

9) Seal all cracks and crevices. Caulk or fill any crack or hole, especially around windows and doors. It is important to limit the entry and hiding spots in your room.

10) Set up spider traps in the same way as sticky mats. Spider mats have a resin coating that attracts spiders to them when they step on it. They can be placed in strategic places, such as near windows and other areas where spiders are suspected to be entering the room.

Spider in the Sink
Spider in the Sink

11) Use screens: Insect screens on your windows and door will also keep spiders away, while still allowing fresh air to flow.

12) You can hire an exterminator if your spider infestation is too large for you to manage. You may need to leave the house while an exterminator sprays harsh chemicals to eliminate any spiders that are still alive. Exterminators are not able to kill spider eggs.

You can also leave them be.

Earlier, we discussed how spiders can be harmless to humans. Did you know a large number of spiders in your home can reduce the overall amount of bugs? Spiders eat insects as their primary source of food, and so they eliminate bugs in your home.

If the Spider is not harmful or venomous then it is perfectly fine to leave it alone. They are more scared of you than of them. You are the big one after all.

The Takeaway

It is never a fun experience to find a spider at home. Even worse is finding them in your mattress! Use one of these methods to eliminate spiders from your bedroom if you have a spider infestation.

After you have taken care of those you can see, continue using our passive methods to reduce the number of spiders that decide to make your bed and room their home!

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