Sleep Information

Pink Noise vs. White Noise

Pink Noise vs. White Noise: Which is Better for Sleeping?

Have you ever felt like you couldn’t sleep well? The type of noise that surrounds you can often make a big difference when you are trying to fall asleep. Some people swear by white noise to get a good sleep. Everywhere you turn, you hear people talking about the benefits of white noise for getting a good night’s sleep.

You can even find it on Amazon, YouTube, or apps. What is white noise and how does it compare to pink noise?

We’ll walk you through each one and see which is the best.

Pink Noise vs. White Noise
Pink Noise vs. White Noise

What is White Noise?

You’ve probably heard of the white sound, but what exactly is it? White noise is created when all the frequencies of sound, from low to higher, are played in random order. This produces a sound called “white noise”, or “shh”, which many people mistakenly associate with radio or television static. Here’s an example.

Silence is “black noise” in contrast.

White noise is comparable to the sound of rain, an air conditioner or a fan because it has no patterns. The use of white noise has many purposes, including to mask noises from the outside or within the house.

The white noise can also help improve sleep by blocking external noises. If you live in a building with noisy neighbours, white noise can be used to drown them out so that you can get a good night’s rest. White noise can also help you sleep better if your roommate snores loudly or you live in an area with heavy traffic.

Pink noise, a less-known sound, is also used to block unwanted sounds. However, it has a different impact. Which “noise”, then, is best for sleeping? First, let’s take a closer at pink noise.

What is Pink Noise, and what does it do?

Pink noise is a sound that you may not have heard before. However, you’ve likely heard it. Pink noise has tones that are consistent across the spectrum of frequencies. It is similar to a white sound. Here’s an example.

Pink noise is not uniform, like white noise. It has more bass than treble. This uniformity produces a sound similar to ocean waves or gentle rain. Lower frequencies can help you relax your brain and induce sleepiness. They do this by producing delta waves in the brain. This reduces stress and anxiety.

What’s the Difference?

White noise has a similar volume for high and low frequencies, while pink noise is louder at low frequencies and quieter at high frequencies. There is a lot of evidence to suggest that white noise can aid in sleep. Pink noise, on the other hand, maybe a better way to simulate the brain. It can also improve memory.

Your brain’s processing of sound while sleeping is very similar to the way it does so during the day. The better you sleep, the more your brain will focus on one sound. White noise can be used to block out the background noises which would otherwise keep you awake.

In many cases, white noise can be used to help a person focus on one sound. This could be a teacher speaking over the classroom or a worker in an office who needs to block out other voices. The white noise is produced by mixing sounds at the same level of each frequency.

Lady Wearing Headset
Lady Wearing Headset

Why is White Noise superior to Pink Noise?

White noise is better at blocking out unwanted sounds than pink noise. The environment in which you sleep is crucial to a good night’s sleep. Harvard University’s Division of Sleep Medicine recommends that you “limit noise distractions” by sleeping in an insulated room, using earplugs, or using white noise. White noise can mask random, unpredictable sounds and help people sleep better.

Pink and white noise can be used to mask ringing or tinnitus in the ears which can cause sleep disturbances and anxiety. ( source span ‘data-preserver spaces=”true “>). White noise can be used to help a person sleep. Pink noise, on the other hand, does not mask noises as well. It also does not mask tinnitus the same way as white noise. Pink noise is less effective at covering the spectrum of frequencies than white noise.


It’s like asking what flavour ice cream is your favourite. Personal preference is the only thing that matters. Some people prefer chocolate over strawberry, and some prefer pink noise to white noise.

It all depends on what you want. White noise will help you drown out distracting noises. Pink noise is a great way to relax and lull yourself to sleep. You will need to experiment with them to find out which one suits you best.

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