Mattress Information

How to Patch an Air Mattress?

How to Patch an Air Mattress? 3 Easy Way

You’ll need to repair a hole in your air mattress at some point. You can’t avoid it. Even the smallest hole in an air mattress can turn it into a flattened mess. It can be a pain in the neck (literally) if this happens.

There’s no reason to throw out your air mattress when it sags or leaks. You can repair an air mattress with little effort and time.

We will show you a few DIY ways of finding and patching your air mattress, with or without a patch kit. You can go back to sleep quickly!

How to Patch an Air Mattress
How to Patch an Air Mattress

How to find a leak in an air mattress?

Locate the hole on your air mattress. This may seem easy, but can be tricky. The hole might not be noticeable if it is small.

Most methods for finding a leak on your air mattress can be messy. Before you do that, take this first step.

1. Check for the obvious

Most air mattresses leak at the valve, seams and built-in pumps. You can save a lot by paying attention to these areas. The source of the leak is likely the valve, which may be loose or improperly inserted onto the stem.

Use the following methods if you have not been able to find a solution after checking all of the above areas.

2) Use Dish Soap

For this method, you will need dish detergent, water, and a spray bottle. You can also use a sponge or wet rag.

Mix the soap with water in a spray bottle. If you don’t own a spray bottle, dip a wet sponge or rag into soapy water.

The air leak is located where you can see little bubbles. Mark the spot with a permanent marker and deflate the mattress before you patch it up.

3) Immerse Your air mattress in water

First, inflate the air mattress partially. Submerge your air mattress in a bathtub or pool filled with water. Be sure to close the valve before you dip your mattress into the water.

Most manufacturers don’t recommend this method, as you could cause more damage to the air mattress. Check the instructions on the label before you begin.

4) Use a Garden Hose

To use this method, you will need a garden hose, water and a wooden surface on which to place the air mattress.

Place your air mattress on a wooden floor. Cover the wood with vinyl or plastic cloth.

Connect your garden hose with a source of water and begin spraying the mattress. Move slowly, starting with the valve and pouring water around the mattress. You can miss bubbles in a split second, especially if the hole is small.

5) Use Tissue Paper

You can use foil, single-ply paper towels or a napkin to perform the tissue paper trick. Inflate the air mattress first. Move the tissue around the mattress slowly by using a tissue.

Begin by identifying the leaks in the first step of ., and then proceed to the remainder of the mattress.

Flip the mattress over and repeat the process on the other side. Watch for air movement in the tissue and listen for hissing noises. These signs indicate that there is an air leak.

Now you need to fix the leak. It’s now time to fix it. Use any of the following methods.

How to Repair a Leaky Air Mattress With a Patch Kit

Patch kits are small sets that contain glue, sandpaper and patches. They can be used to repair bike tyres, tents and air mattresses. If you don’t already have one, you can purchase a patch set at any outdoor store.

Use a patch kit to repair your leak:

  • Deflate your air mattress completely.
  • Remove the felt or flocking with sandpaper until only plastic remains.
  • To remove dust or debris from the area where the leak is occurring, use soapy water.
  • To cover the entire area, cut your patch at least 1-2 centimetres larger than the hole.
  • Follow the instructions on the glue package and apply the glue over the hole.
  • Press down on the patch for at least 30 seconds to ensure it’s firmly attached.
  • Inflate the mattress and check if it is repaired. Let the glue set for three hours.

You can create a patch kit at home by using a shower curtain or plastic that is malleable.

How to Repair a Hole in an Air Mattress without a Patch Kit

1) Use Duct Tape

Duct tape is a temporary fix because it will eventually lose its hold. It is a good solution for a temporary fix.

You just need to cut a piece of tape large enough to cover the hole in your air mattress. Duct tape can be used on a deflated or inflated mattress, as long as the source of leakage is known.

2) Use Nail Polish

Nail polish, like duct tape, is not the best solution to fix your leaking air mattress.

Why? It can be removed because it loses viscosity over time.

Use nail polish to repair your leaky air mattresses.

  • To remove the flocking, sand the area where there is a leak.
  • Wash the area thoroughly with water.
  • Apply a nail polish over the hole, preferably a gel polish.
  • To dry gel nail polish, use a UV lamp for 15-30 seconds.
  • Repeat the process if it is not dried.

3) Hot glue

It is possible to fix a leaking air mattress with hot glue, but this method is not recommended. Hot glue will not last as long as the other methods and may melt the soft area around the hole.

If you host a lot, it’s a good idea to have a patch kit on hand.

How to extend the life of your air mattress:

  1. Wearing jewellery or shoes when using an air mattress is not recommended.
  2. Avoid putting anything sharp near or on the air mattress.
  3. When not in use, store the air mattress in an area that is cool and dry. Avoid storing the air mattress in direct sunlight or in a humid environment.
  4. Air mattresses should not be over- or under-inflated.
  5. Invest in a mattress cover: You should consider investing in a protector if you plan to use your air bed on a regular schedule. It will keep your mattress dry and clean and will extend its life.
  6. Regularly inflate your air mattress: Even if you don’t often use it, it is important to at least monthly. This will keep the material from cracking and drying out.

Wrapping up

It is easy to patch an air mattress. Use the right materials and make sure you follow the instructions. If you host often, it’s a good idea to keep a patch kit on hand.

If your air mattress cannot be repaired, you may want to consider buying a new one. To help you decide, we have reviewed the best air mattresses available on the Australian market. Sweet dreams!

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