Is It Safe To Sleep Next To Your Phone?
Is It Safe To Sleep Next To Your Phone?
It’s fair to say that our phones are like an extra appendage. Picking up our phones, we can interact with friends, family members, co-workers, and strangers. It is only natural that we want to be connected all the time. It is only natural to want to sleep with our phones underneath our pillows to maintain a connection to the world. Is it safe?
It does not, however, mean that sleeping near your phone will be 100% safe. The possibility of a cellphone battery explosion is remote, but it’s not the worst thing. Sleep disturbances can have a long-term impact.
Continue reading to find out what else we found.

Why do we sleep with our phones next to us?
After a certain age, we no longer feel the need to keep our baby blankets close or sleep next to our teddy. Why do we sleep with our phones next to us? Our phones and apps give our brains a chemical reaction similar to that of a tasty bite of food, or even exercise ( source). It sends dopamine to our brain which makes us want to keep on pursuing these rewards.
It may be that we are unable to sleep early in the morning, despite having to get up for work or school. Watching a few funny cat videos seems more important than worrying about tomorrow. People who are trying to fall asleep have a hard time falling asleep because of display dependency. Apps are always fighting for our time and attention.
Blue lights and Distractions
The news apps remind us of emails we haven’t yet read or things we need to do tomorrow. News apps notify us of any recent sports victories or natural disasters. Today, it is liberating to have access to all the information you want. Online, we can access an almost unlimited amount of information. However, the things that demand our attention also keep us awake later than necessary.
Circadian rhythm is responsible for our energy levels in the morning, and sleepiness at night. It is a kind of internal body clock which tells us when to sleep or wake up. Light is the element that has the greatest impact on our circadian rhythm. Our bodies respond to the light in a way that is natural when we expose them to it constantly. We stay awake for longer. Most electronic devices have a feature to disable the blue light from the display and leave your screen with a tint of yellow. The idea is to reduce the impact of your display’s circadian rhythm. However, the exposure to light remains.

Sometimes Technology Can Fail
Sleeping Next to Your Mobile Phone is a Myth
There are also different types of radiation. Ionising Radiation is divided into two categories: Non-Ionising Radiation, and Ionising Radiation. The radiation that is used by mobile devices, or RF radiation, is a type of radiation. The good news is that this radiation does not cause cancer, because it is non-ionizing radiation.

Wrapping It Up…
It is safe to sleep near your phone and poses no immediate danger. It’s best to keep your phone in flight mode and sleep at least 2 to 3 feet away.
It is amazing to wake up, stretch and feel refreshed in the morning. All of us want to be rested. The desire to be connected to our phones can make it difficult to fall asleep. Sleep affects the quality of our lives in the real world and how we relate to others.
What’s the answer? You could leave your phone somewhere else or bring back the alarm clock that you paid a lot of money for.