Sleep Accessories

Is it Safe To Sleep With AirPod In?

You asked: Is it Safe To Sleep With AirPod In?

You might find it tempting to listen to your favorite song on your AirPods to fall asleep, but is this as relaxing as it sounds. AirPods are a hot topic in the sleep community.

This post will discuss the pros, cons and safety tips of doing so.

Is it Safe To Sleep With AirPod In
Is it Safe To Sleep With AirPod In

What Happens If You Sleep with AirPods in?

AirPods are safe to use when used properly. You can doze off while listening to white noise, music, rain sounds or a boring podcast. Many people swear by for their foolproof way to fall asleep quickly.

It’s not our job to tell you that sleeping with AirPods is “good” or “bad”. However, it’s worth considering the negative aspects of AirPods at night. It’s important to know that this habit is not without risk, no matter how small.

Ear Risks

Airpods can end up in awkward positions if you are tossing and turning at night. Pressed into your pillow, and burrowing into your ear too deeply. If you leave it in your ear canal for too long, the bacteria will grow and multiply. It can have untold consequences.

AirPods that are too deep can cause vibrations to reach the eardrum and may lead to headaches, earaches or infections . AirPods that are pressed too closely against the skin can cause dead skin or even necrosis. These types of ear infection are not very dangerous and can be easily avoided by cleaning your AirPods and not wearing them more than a couple hours at a stretch.

Ear wax is a less scary risk. AirPods can push earwax deposits down into your ear canal. This makes it hard to remove, and more susceptible to accumulation. This is a simple solution, but it can be a bit uncomfortable.

Surprise Snacks

This is another fear to add to the list: accidental ingestion. You read it right: Some people have accidentally swallowed a Pod.

One boy accidentally swallowed an AirPod that he received as a gift for Christmas, and was immediately taken to the hospital. In a cartoon-like sequence of events, the woman holding an AirPod and Ibuprofen in her other hand sleptily swallowed a small object that was in the wrong hand. She was fine but a bit perturbed.

Yes, it can happen to you while you sleep! On an otherwise normal day, a man woke after falling asleep with AirPods. He encountered a few medical mysteries throughout the day: chest discomfort, an inability to drink water or wine and one missing AirPod. His local doctor’s xray confirmed that this was no coincidence.

Hearing Loss

AirPod is a device that can cause permanent hearing damage. Many people warn against loud concerts. This is true for headphones and earbuds in general. The majority of us listen to music at a bit too loud. According to the World Health Organization, over 1 billion people aged between 15 and 24 are at risk for hearing loss. AirPods, which are tiny speakers that blast music into our ears for hours on end, may not be surprising.

In worst-case scenarios the damage may occur a bit faster. After wearing an Airpod all night, one student woke up with no hearing in his left ear. It took him five days in the hospital to regain it. Doctors recommend that you take a 5-minute break every hour from your Airpods and keep the volume at 60% or less.

AirPods may impair your ability to listen properly, as well as your hearing. You might miss important household events if you’re streaming your favorite music directly into your ear. It’s not so bad if you are trying to block out your sister’s gossip about her late-night sleepover or your cat’s rumblings through the living area. Some things are worth listening out for like the smoke alarm of your neighbor or the cries of your baby.

Sleep Comfort

AirPods can limit your comfort and mobility while sleeping. You may have to switch positions if you sleep on your side. Some people find this comfortable, while others may experience neck stiffness.

Cancer or radiation risks?

Every device is radioactive to some degree, but there are devices that are radioactively enough to cause concern. Scientists are divided over whether Bluetooth products can pose a significant radiation risk due to their non-ionizing technology. It may be especially alarming when an AirPod is so close to sensitive tissues.

Apple products must pass federal safety standards before they can be sold. AirPods are therefore safe to use even when they are pressed close to your skin. AirPods emit about 1/10th the amount of radiation that is emitted by a cell phone. AirPods have not been proven to be radioactive.

In another article, we discuss the safety and science concerns of sleeping near your phone. Visit the site for a detailed explanation!

AirPods: Benefits to Sleeping With Them

Minimize Distractions

AirPods’ ability to block out noise is dangerous. But hey! This feature can also be very useful. It’s possible that we have to go to bed a few hours earlier than our flatmates or your neighbor, for example. Soft music is a great way to get you to sleep in situations like this, when your friends’ laughter from the kitchen won’t.

Calming Experience

Music is a great way to relax. Serotonin and Dopamine are released in our brains. This creates a positive feeling that can help us fall asleep. The right music can also help you relax before bed, resulting in a better night’s rest.

Proper Airpod Hygiene

  • Clean your AirPods frequently to avoid infection. Wipe them gently with a damp cloth, then with a dry, lint free towel.
  • As we’ve already mentioned, it’s important to regularly take breaks away from the music that you are listening to. This brief break can be taken anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours into your listening.
  • Avoid music that is loud and fast as it will only increase your heart rate. Choose music with a 60-80 bpm beat to mimic the heart rate a relaxed, healthy person. You can also listen to white noise or ASMR if you don’t want to listen at all.
  • Select the right size. AirPods come in the same standard size, but the earbuds that compete with them and their mimics vary. AirPod Pro includes three rubber tips that can be interchanged. The right-sized AirPod Pro will provide you with a rich, clear sound that is noise cancelling. However, if it’s too big or small, the tip could fall out or even cause infection.
  • AirPods should be kept in a ventilated container to avoid moisture and bacteria buildup. This will prevent infections.
  • You can buy a travel pillow, or a soft pillow that you feel comfortable with if you want to sleep on your back while wearing your AirPods.

What is the verdict?

We will leave this decision to you. There are many ways to minimize the negative effects of wearing AirPods at night. If you don’t like AirPods at night but still want to listen to music, you can use headphones or your phone on your dressing table.

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